After spending so much time on revision for energetics and kinetics, you are still not getting it. Why?????
We have done so many questions on Born Haber cycle to calculate lattice energy. Just becos you are provided hydration energies of the ions, some of you actually incorporated it into the cycle. What is wrong with u pple?
Kinetics. Having said ample times, pple r still not showing the half-life on their graph. Is it really tat difficult to accomplish? Still, I have pple applying half-life concept to overall second order reactions. Not to say the explanation of effect of temperature on rate of reaction - key points not there and not labelling the Boltzmann distribution curve.
Organic equations r not balanced. Pple r giving answers in pencil.
All I can say is that I have done my best. I dun understand y i m more worried than some of u. Completely drained and demoralised.